Abu Bakr Al-Jamii and the Complex of Security Governance in Morocco Led by Hammouchi

By Al-Khabariya Newspaper
Those who follow the “daring” journalist Abu Bakr Al-Jamii in his interviews with “YouTubers” about issues concerning Morocco will notice that he always involves the security institution, even if the topic of the interview is far from security matters. This, if anything, indicates that this apparatus, which is widely praised inside and outside Morocco, has formed a complex for the journalist who is unrivaled.
• Al-Jamii: Is Hammouchi an “ambassador,” forgetting the concept of “security diplomacy”:
One of Al-Jamii’s peculiar statements in one of his strange and wonderful interviews, which negate what he tries to promote about himself as an academic researcher and political analyst through always conducting his interviews with a background of bookshelves, (among the peculiarities) is that the latter, in a way that provokes ridicule from any sober follower and actual analyst, Al-Jamii questioned and denounced the visits made by Mr. Abdellatif Hammouchi, the General Director of National Security and Territory Surveillance, to various countries, describing him as if he were an “ambassador.”
This astonishing question, which was described as stupid by various entities following the interview, was answered by one commenter mockingly, “What offends you if Hammouchi visited countries at their invitation?” This comment, though seemingly ordinary, conveyed many coded messages to the “daring” journalist and analyst, if he indeed analyzes, that there is something called security diplomacy in which Morocco is a pioneer thanks to the efforts of Abdellatif Hammouchi under the wise and insightful leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him.
This security diplomacy was confirmed through Morocco’s previous announcement that it would host the International Interpol Conference in Marrakech, which is a testament to the efforts made at the level of the Moroccan security institution in its work on the issue of combating terrorism and cross-border crime. Most of Hammouchi’s visits to European countries, which provoked our analyst Al-Jamii, were at their invitation to benefit from the expertise of Moroccan security and intelligence, and for these countries to express their gratitude and thanks to Mr. Abdellatif Hammouchi for what he does in maintaining the security of these countries. Perhaps his recent decoration, the third from the French state, is the best proof of the recognition by a country leading the European Union of the prominent role of the Moroccan security official in strengthening security cooperation between Morocco and France.
• Al-Jamii: Why does Hammouchi always appear in the press, forgetting the concept of “security openness”:
Another peculiarity in another interview, which shows that the “open-minded” academic who uses social media and foreign media to communicate with his followers to always paint Morocco and Moroccan security efforts in black, even at the expense of what he tries to portray himself as – the daring journalist and the unrivaled academic analyst, (among the peculiarities) is that he was greatly disturbed and denounced the media coverage by Moroccan newspapers of the efforts of Moroccan security under the leadership of the General Director of both security and intelligence agencies, considering this an imminent danger to them.
Here we ask Dr. Al-Jamii, would this annoyance have been the same if the security institution was closed off and not communicating with citizens through press releases and true statements, and if citizens knew nothing about its management? This apparatus leaves no stone unturned in informing the population, why not, as it is the closest apparatus to them.
“What offends you if they praised the security efforts?” Thus, another citizen directed his question to Abu Bakr Al-Jamii, also sending him several messages that he might remember or fear, and if he didn’t understand them or pretended not to understand, there’s no harm in helping him. The Moroccan press doesn’t have the black eyes through which Al-Jamii sees this apparatus, which shows it all as pitch darkness. Why didn’t Al-Jamii talk about the important communication policy of Moroccan security and its global praise, or does this pass by him unnoticed? Why doesn’t Al-Jamii praise the good innovation that Moroccan citizens eagerly await to visit their regions, which is the “Open Doors of National Security” that achieves high attendance rates, confirming the Moroccan citizen’s trust in this institution, and many other questions…
All that has been mentioned in this article confirms that the doctor, “daring” journalist, and unrivaled political analyst Abu Bakr Al-Jamii has a complex about the security governance adopted by Mr. Abdellatif Hammouchi in managing two important agencies to preserve the security of this state. This governance, which has proven its effectiveness in Morocco, has made several powerful European countries beg for its services to confront extremism, terrorism, and cross-border crime. We conclude by directing a message to Mr. Al-Jamii: Why are you hiding in Europe and attacking Morocco? You are welcome in Morocco to practice your opposition from within, and do not fear – “He who has committed no crime has nothing to fear.” It is not as you promote, that this apparatus fabricates charges against oppositionists to put them in prison. The recent royal pardon for journalists is not, as you said, the result of international pressure, for no one can twist the state’s arm. Rather, it is an important message for those concerned, and you are one of them…..