
Difference Between Plant-Based Milk and Cow’s Milk : Benefits and Risks

Nutritional studies have shown that plant-based milks, such as oat, soy, almond, or coconut milk, do not match the nutritional quality of cow’s milk. While plant-based milk is a good source of fiber, vitamin E, and is free from animal fats and hormones, it contains less protein and does not provide the same nutritional value as cow’s milk.

Plant-based milk is an appropriate choice for people who are lactose intolerant, but it often requires fortification with calcium and vitamin D during production to compensate for the nutritional differences. On the other hand, cow’s milk is a rich source of calcium, vitamin D, and high-quality protein, making it an essential part of the diet, especially for children and teenagers.

Nutrition experts also warn that some flavored plant-based milks, such as vanilla or chocolate, may contain added sugars, which can increase calorie intake. Additionally, plant-based milks tend to be more processed, as manufacturers add thickeners and stabilizers, which may be harder to digest.

Overall, diets rich in natural and unprocessed foods are more beneficial for health. Consumers should be cautious when choosing plant-based milk and consider the added ingredients to achieve a proper nutritional balance.

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