Since his appointment as the head of the Sefrou Province, Mr. Omar Benjloun Touimi has committed to enhancing regional work by initiating numerous positive actions resulting in distinguished outcomes for the province and its residents.
It is noteworthy that Mr. Omar Benjloun Touimi was appointed as governor of the Sefrou Province on February 20, 2019. A few months after his appointment, he was faced with the global challenge of the comprehensive lockdown imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, requiring measures to address the challenges brought on by the pandemic globally.
For the record, he managed the period excellently, as local and regional authorities skillfully mobilized to meet the needs of the lockdown phase. Mr. Touimi ensured daily supervision of the authorities’ efforts to enforce compliance with pandemic-related measures while also ensuring the fair and balanced distribution of various forms of aid to vulnerable groups.
Observers unanimously agreed on the success of Sefrou’s authorities, across their different structures, in managing the pandemic’s challenges under the daily direct supervision of the governor.
Under Mr. Touimi’s leadership, the National Initiative for Human Development, which he chairs locally, witnessed significant achievements. During his tenure, a total of 246 projects were completed across various fields with substantial funding amounting to 114 million dirhams. These projects focused on four main intervention priorities:
- Infrastructural Improvements: A budget of 17.43 million dirhams was allocated to enhance infrastructure, including constructing and reinforcing road networks, supplying electricity and potable water, and healthcare interventions in the region.
- Assistance for Vulnerable Individuals: With an allocated budget of 18.66 million dirhams, numerous projects benefited the elderly, patients, and individuals with no resources, as well as initiatives to protect children and youth.
- Income Improvement and Entrepreneurship Support: This sector received 21.64 million dirhams to finance projects for youth, support cooperatives by purchasing production tools and equipment, thus encouraging income-generating activities and solidarity economy.
- Development of Future Generations: A budget of 56.32 million dirhams was allocated to fund projects related to maternal and child health, early education, school support, and the overall well-being of children and youth.
These interventions have led to significant social achievements, such as improving maternal and child health services, reproductive health, and access to education by acquiring school buses (105) to combat school dropout rates. Additionally, about 66 preschool units were created, particularly in rural areas, to encourage children’s access to schooling.
Mr. Touimi has continuously ensured the daily monitoring of these projects to ensure they reach targeted groups. Priority has been given to social projects, primarily in health and education sectors, aiming to improve schooling indicators across various municipalities and enhance health institutions through maintenance, equipment provisioning, and acquiring ambulances, among other healthcare necessities.
Mr. Touimi also consistently supports talents that represent Sefrou Province nationally or internationally across scientific, economic, or sports fields. Most recently, he welcomed student Nahila Azhabon after she won a gold medal in Taekwondo in Brazil.
These are significant accomplishments credited to the governor, who continues to exert substantial efforts for their realization. More than a single article would be needed to recount them all. The hope remains for the continuation of these positive dynamics characterizing the work of local and provincial authorities under Mr. Omar Benjloun Touimi’s leadership.