Tunisia Announces Preliminary List of Presidential Election Candidates

The Independent High Authority for Elections in Tunisia announced on Saturday the preliminary list of candidates for the presidential elections scheduled for October 6. A total of 17 candidacy files have been initially accepted, while three of them have been accepted definitively. The candidates whose candidacies have been definitively accepted are Zouhair Magraoui, Kais Saied, and El Ayachi Zmmal.
The authority mentioned that 7 candidates have been invited to rectify their endorsement situations and address any recorded discrepancies within two days, according to what Reuters published.
The Tunisian presidential elections are set to be held in October. To qualify for candidacy, an individual must obtain endorsements from ten parliamentarians, 40 locally elected officials, or at least 10,000 voters, with these endorsements including 500 voters in each electoral district.
Additionally, candidacy requires obtaining the “Certificate Number 3,” a document issued by the Ministry of the Interior proving the candidate’s criminal record is clear.