
Zakaria El Moumni and the Fever of Slander: The Latest Being Hammouchi’s Absence from the Olympics for Fear of French Justice

Zakaria El Moumni is a plague sent by God upon his YouTube channel followers, most of whom are electronic flies from the bad neighbor, and it’s a test that reveals the patience level of the few participating with him. They deal with him as if fighting laughter and falling from intense laughter at the words of a person fleeing to Canada, talking about all subjects and sticking his nose into issues that don’t concern him, like a parrot repeating what he memorized by heart from foreign agendas.

To understand the depth of this plague, it’s enough to know that Zakaria El Moumni, who is considered a collection of triviality, spoke from Canada last Monday about Mr. Abdellatif Hammouchi, who forms an unswallowable lump for him. If we count how many times he mentions him in any video with insults, cursing, and describing him with the ugliest attributes that we refrain from mentioning, it reflects his low morals, malice, and hatred. In the video, he said that Hammouchi did not attend the Olympic Games in Paris because he’s afraid of French justice and that if his feet touch French soil, he will be arrested and interrogated, according to his foolish statement.

Ironically, immediately after this insignificant Zakaria El Moumni posted this video, the French Minister of Interior and Overseas Affairs awarded the Gold Medal of Honor exceptionally to Mr. Abdellatif Hammouchi, Director General of National Security and the General Directorate of Territorial Surveillance. The decision signed by the French Minister of Interior was issued on June 20, 2024, (published) in the Official Gazette of Orders, Medals, and Rewards on August 5th.

Additionally, Mr. Abdellatif Hammouchi, Director General of National Security and Territorial Surveillance, frequently visits France and other European countries for discussions, exchange of experiences, and strengthening bilateral security relations.

When watching Zakaria El Moumni’s videos, our feelings mix between dizziness and nausea with bouts of laughter. This “paper hero” who fled to Canada, leaving behind his ex-wife as a victim of his fraud, thought he became an “analyst” and commentator on events in Morocco. He aims to regain the spotlight after being forgotten like a soap bubble.

It’s worth noting that leaks of documents and video clips exposed the falseness of Zakaria El Moumni’s claims, known for his hostility towards the kingdom and issuing false statements insulting Morocco after traveling abroad.

According to a widely circulated YouTube video in 2013, Zakaria El Moumni, who claims to be a boxer, was blackmailing Morocco to get a job as an advisor at the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

El Moumni, who constantly attacks the kingdom, also wrote to His Majesty King Mohammed VI asking for financial help in 2006 and received a transport license. After that, his greed increased, as he did the same thing in 2009 when he met the King during his visit to France.

According to several testimonies and data from those close to him, Zakaria El Moumni’s only concern is collecting money and living with the bourgeois class, which drove him to claim he was tortured to blackmail the Moroccan authorities after his request to obtain 5 million euros from the then Interior Minister El Ansar was rejected.

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