Inezgane Police Work Diligently to Arrest Criminal Responsible for Policeman’s Injuries; Hammouchi Ensures Medical Support

The Judicial Police Division in the Regional Security Area of Inezgane has launched a judicial investigation, under the supervision of the competent public prosecutor, on Tuesday, January 14th, to determine the circumstances surrounding a physical assault on a police officer with the rank of Security Lieutenant while performing his official duties. The attack caused him to suffer permanent damage, including the loss of finger functionality.
Preliminary findings indicate that a security patrol was attempting to arrest the suspect, who is wanted nationwide for his involvement in a hit-and-run incident. The suspect refused to comply and sped off in his vehicle, severely injuring the security officer who tried to stop him, resulting in the amputation of part of the officer’s finger.
Immediately, the Director-General of National Security issued directives to both the health departments affiliated with National Security and the Agadir Security Division to monitor and support the injured officer’s health condition. This includes covering his medical and treatment expenses and providing all necessary psychological and social support.
Meanwhile, intensive security operations are ongoing to apprehend the suspect and subject him to an investigation supervised by the competent public prosecutor to establish all the criminal acts attributed to him.
الترجمة إلى اللغة الإسبانية:
La policía de Inezgane trabaja arduamente para detener al criminal responsable de las lesiones de un policía; Hammouchi asegura apoyo médico
La División de Policía Judicial en el Área Regional de Seguridad de Inezgane ha iniciado una investigación judicial, bajo la supervisión del fiscal competente, este martes 14 de enero, para esclarecer las circunstancias en torno a un ataque físico contra un oficial de policía con rango de teniente de seguridad mientras cumplía sus funciones oficiales. El ataque le causó un daño permanente, incluida la pérdida de funcionalidad en un dedo.
Los hallazgos preliminares indican que una patrulla de seguridad estaba intentando arrestar al sospech