Forum Exposes the Atrocities of the Polisario: Crimes of Rape, Enslavement of Women, and Killing of Their Husbands Under Torture

As efforts intensify among the residents of the Tindouf camps to unveil the horrific crimes committed by the Polisario Front, voices are increasingly demanding accountability for these atrocities.
The Forum of Supporters of Autonomy in the Tindouf Camps, known as “FORSATIN”, has exposed some heinous new crimes, including sexual assaults, abductions, torture, and the cold-blooded killing of those who oppose the actions of the Front’s leaders.
In a detailed post on its Facebook page, the forum stated, “The voices of the inhabitants of the Tindouf camps have started to be heard, encouraging people to reveal the crimes of the Polisario Front and expose its atrocities and sexual crimes against Sahrawi women. The beginning was not with the establishment of the February 27th School for Women, which was off-limits to all men except the leadership, who entered it at their will and committed inside acts shameful to mention. Beautiful women from all over were brought in to satisfy the sick desires of the leadership, and there are many incidents whispered about, and if it weren’t for the fear of involving people’s reputations, many would have publicized these incidents by name.”
The post added that “Armies of debauchees and intermediaries worked to bring girls to the leadership, using spies to find beautiful women inside the tents and hideouts of men. Once a victim is chosen, she becomes a target to be brought by all means, legal or otherwise. Most of them send their husbands to distant military regions away from the camps to be alone with their wives, and those who refuse and inform their husband or father get falsely accused and imprisoned, or even killed in cold blood in the terrible prisons and holes of the Polisario.”
The source highlighted the dangerous incidents and catastrophic crimes that befell the late Hammadi Ould Becharraya, who came to the camps with his beautiful wife, leaving a luxurious life in the Canary Islands where he worked as a businessman. He was kidnapped and spent many years in prison, tortured to death, while they pursued his wife, who resisted all seductions and evils.
Another story reveals the lusts of the Polisario’s leadership gang, involving a man named Cheikh El Shafii from the Sahrawi community in France. He decided to visit the camps with his young beautiful wife, Mbarka, but ended up kidnapped, arrested, and tortured, as attempts were made to seize his wife left alone in the camps.
“The same happened to hundreds of Sahrawi families,” added the forum, stating that “among them is Mr. Rahman Lybick, whose wife was sexually harassed by some leaders directly after he arrived with her at the camps. The attempts continued, and when he filed complaints against them, it was futile, prompting him to return to Morocco, choosing dignity with Morocco over the revolution of depravity and prostitution.”
Another young and beautiful woman from the Ait Oussea tribe was kidnapped with her father and others in an ambush near the Zaaq area. She spent several weeks in her cousin Yassin’s tent in the camps before being arrested and raped by a senior Polisario leader. When signs of pregnancy appeared, she was executed to cover the scandal. When her father protested, he was executed as well.”
The source continued by explaining “these are the morals of the Polisario gang, which has reached such audacity and arrogance, exploiting the fear of the populace. Leaders’ cars would stop at a family’s tent at night, taking the daughter under the guise of work, and no one dared to speak, even though most girls who gave birth to illegitimate children and were imprisoned were victims of the leadership members.
It’s known that the Polisario leadership in the late seventies lived lavish lives afforded by the Algerian regime, with leaders sending cars to the Algerian city of Aflou to bring the most beautiful high school girls for nights of indulgence in their residences: villas or luxurious hotels paid for by the Algerian authorities.”
Moreover, it states, “One of the most scandalous incidents occurred when children were brought for the first time to spend summer vacations in Algeria in 1979. Mothers whispered that many of their grown girls lost their virginity. Upon learning this through spies, the leadership staged a show, blaming Sheikh Aslama, from the tribe of the nobles of the Sheikh Ma’alainin, who accompanied the girls as a supervisor. They forced him under torture to confess that he had sexual intercourse with most of the girls and took their virginity, confessing before crowds in orchestrated festivals. His noble wife, Umm Al-Fadli, decided to move her residence to Bakhou Circle near her grandmother after this criminal play, before returning to Morocco with her two daughters.”
In another horror story, the forum narrates about the fighter Baba Ould Al Hafiz, from the Ouled Daoud tribe, who was martyred under torture in the infamous Rashid prison. After his death, they did not inform his family, and his widow couldn’t perform her religious duty as a widow, a fate that befell multiple widows of martyrs who perished under torture by the leadership’s torturers at Rashid prison.
FORSATIN disclosed that stories have leaked about leadership’s crimes, deliberate torture, and killing, describing an incident involving a young Sahrawi from the Aitoussi tribe, fighting with the Polisario in the second military region. After a group fled towards Morocco, all those in association were arrested, most from the third region, and subjected to horrifying torture. The young man was martyred under torture in the infamous Rashid prison.”
The forum added that one of the painful stories involves a family from the Ait Hassan tribe settling from Belgium. The father was arrested and died under torture. When his wife protested publicly, she and her two children were abducted and executed.
The forum concluded by referring to Mr. Moulay Ibrahim, who left his comfortable life in France and gave up everything to join the revolution, only to find himself suffering torture and imprisonment overnight. His family endured much before his release, and they suffered greatly before they could return to France and reunite to start anew after more than ten years of psychological and physical torture.”