Elon Musk: Building Cities on Mars Within Four Years

Elon Musk has made a controversial statement, claiming that humans could land on Mars within four years and live there in a self-sustaining city.

According to the British newspaper The Guardian, these claims seem fanciful, even by the standards of SpaceX’s founder and the world’s richest man, Elon Musk, who has revolutionized the logistics and cost of shorter-duration space travel close to Earth’s orbit using his fleet of reusable Falcon rockets.

The US government space agency, NASA, which is collaborating with SpaceX on the knowledge and technology to send astronauts to the Red Planet, believes the first manned landing will occur by 2040 and has described it as an “adventure.”

This is not the first time the enigmatic billionaire has proposed such a plan. In 2016, he stated that he believed the first manned launches to Mars could happen within six years, even though the heavy rocket needed for the mission was still in the design phase.

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